Peer Review Process

The peer review process for the Journal of Teaching of English:

  1. Submission: Authors submit their research articles to the journal through an online submission system.
  2. Initial review: An editor at the journal reviews the submission to ensure that it is appropriate for the journal and meets basic quality standards. If the article is not a good fit or does not meet the standards, it may be rejected at this stage.
  3. Selection of reviewers: If the article passes the initial review, the editor selects a number of experts in the field to review the article. These reviewers are chosen for their expertise in the specific subject matter of the article.
  4. Review: The selected reviewers receive the article and read it carefully, providing feedback and critiques. They may suggest revisions to the article or recommend that it be rejected.
  5. Editor's decision: Based on the reviewers' comments, the editor makes a decision about whether to accept or reject the article. If the article requires revisions, the editor may ask the authors to make specific changes before it is accepted for publication.
  6. Revision and final acceptance: If the article requires revisions, the authors make the suggested changes and resubmit the article to the journal. The editor then reviews the revised article to ensure that it meets the standards for publication. If the revised article is accepted, it is scheduled for publication in an upcoming issue of the journal.

This process can take several weeks or even months to complete, depending on the journal and the specific article. The goal of the peer review process is to ensure that only high-quality, rigorous research is published in the journal.