About the Journal

					View Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Teaching of English




					View Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Teaching of English

Journal of Teachers of English (JTE) is a scientific journal published by the English Department Halu Oleo University. This journal aims to accommodate articles of research results of community service in the field of education and learning about English education. In the end, this Journal can provide a description of the development of science and technology in the field of education for the academic community.




Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Geografi adalah Open Journal System yang  diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Pendidikan Geografi FKIP Universitas Halu Oleo pada tahun 2016.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Geografi menggunakan sistem peer review pada jurnal yang di submit. Jurnal ini terbit empat kali setahun yaitu pada periode Januari, April, Juli, dan Oktober. 

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Geografi memiliki Online ISSN: 2502-2776 dan Print ISSN : 2477-8192 dengan DOI: 10.36709/jppg dengan peringkaSinta 5

Artikel yang dapat dipertimbangkan untuk dimuat dalam jurnal ini adalah hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan penelitian yang sesuai dengan focus and scope jurnal diantaranya:  Strategi Pembelajaran Geografi, Media Pembelajaran Geografi, Model Pembelajaran Geografi, Oceanografi, Geografi Lingkungan, Sumberdaya Alam, Geografi Sosial, Geografi Budaya, Penginderaan Jauh, Sistem Informasi Geografi, Geografi Pertanian dan Geografi Pesisir.




					View Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Teaching of English

Journal of Teaching of English (JTE) is a scientific journal published by the English Department Halu Oleo University. This journal aims to accommodate articles of research results of community service in the field of education and learning about English education. In the end, this Journal can provide a description of the development of science and technology in the field of education for the academic community. 

  • ISSN : 2548-6810 (Online)
  • Frequency : Maret, Juni, September, dan Desember
  • Published  : English Education Department FKIP Universitas Halu Oleo


					View Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Teaching of English


Journal of Teaching of English (JTE) is a scientific journal published by the English Department Halu Oleo University. This journal aims to accommodate articles of research results of community service in the field of education and learning about English education. In the end, this Journal can provide a description of the development of science and technology in the field of education for the academic community. 

  • ISSN : 2548-6810 (Online)
  • Frequency : Maret, Juni, September, dan Desember
  • Published  : English Education Department FKIP Universitas Halu Oleo