Needs Analysis of ESP at Informatics Engineering Department Students of Halu Oleo University


  • Intan Winarti Halu Oleo University
  • Deddy Amrand Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Desy Liliani Husain Universitas Halu Oleo


ESP, target needs, informatics engineering


The purpose of this study was to determine students' needs in learning English based on the ESP approach for students in Informatics Engineering at Halu Oleo University. This study was used a needs analysis approach. The instrument used in this research was a questionnaire. Questionnaires were distributed to 93 respondents. The descriptive need analysis approach was used to examine the data collected from the questionnaires. It was found that the student's aim to learn English was to compete in the world of work. The results showed that the most important aspects of oral communication were communicating in English formally and informally with the highest percentage of 55.9%.  The data showed that speaking was the skill they most wanted to improve in English course to support their potential, followed reading skills focusing on vocabulary related to Informatics Engineering Department. In speaking skills activities, most students preferred to dialogue and role play. Whereas in reading skills, students preferred to activities to discuss the content or the meaning of certain expressions contained in the reading and the use of the content or the meaning of these expressions based on context. Their current level of English was at the pre-intermediate level. The lack of students related to their ability in English was using correct grammatical sentences with the dominant percentage of 23.7%.



30-06-2024 — Updated on 30-06-2024


How to Cite

Intan Winarti, Deddy Amrand, & Husain, D. L. (2024). Needs Analysis of ESP at Informatics Engineering Department Students of Halu Oleo University. Journal of Teaching of English, 9(2), 176–182. Retrieved from