Cultural Values Analysis in English Textbook for Junior High School Entitled “Bahasa Inggris Think Globally Act Locally”


  • Nabilah Nur Rahmah Rais
  • Aderlaepe Aderlaepe
  • Muhammad Khusnun Muhsin


analysis, cultural values, textbook


This research attempts to define and examine the cultural values portrayed in the junior high school English textbook, "Think Globally Act Locally," which is based on Koentjaraningrat. The qualitative research methodology was employed to discover the research findings. Data gathering was done using a documentary analysis technique, and content analysis was used to analyze the research. Data analysis has made use of the Ary idea. The study findings indicated that the textbook does not do much to advance cultural values. The cultural values contained in the textbook provide evidence for this. The statistics demonstrated the dominance of social consciousness and the absence of democratic values. The highest presentation, which appears 15 times, is social awareness, followed by religious and responsibility appearing 3 times. Honesty, tolerance and spirit of nationality become the fifth place appearing 2 times. The last is democracy which does not have occurrence in the textbook.




How to Cite

Rais, N. N. R., Aderlaepe, A., & Muhsin, M. K. (2022). Cultural Values Analysis in English Textbook for Junior High School Entitled “Bahasa Inggris Think Globally Act Locally”. Journal of Teaching of English, 7(4), 49–54. Retrieved from