The Correlation Between Self-Regulated Learning and Students Writing Achievement at English Departement


  • Wa Ode Fazriana Inrawati Author
  • Mursalim universitas halu oleo
  • La Ode Nggawu universitas halu oleo


self regulated learning, writing achievement, correlational research


This research aimed to find out the relationship between Self-Regulated Learning and Students' Writing Achievement. This research used a correlational design with a descriptive type to analyze all the data that researchers get. This Research used a questionnaire to collect data. In this case, the researcher adopted a questionnaire from Agustina Revytyas Arumsari (2011) which consisted of 48 items. In collecting the data, the researcher chose 47 students as samples in this study. This research showed data that the correlation between self-regulated learning and students' writing achievement is in the positive correlation with a high category. This is evidenced by self-regulated learning which achieves a very high category and good writing achievement. The results of the data analysis showed that the correlation coefficient is 0.738 which is classified as a positive correlation with a high category and the 2-tailed sig is 0.000 <0.05. In addition, the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted and the results of the hypothesis (H0) are rejected. Based on this, this research can be interpreted that the correlation between self-regulated learning and writing achievement of class A students class of 2020 majoring in English education at Halu Oleo University has a high standard, and it can be said that self-regulated learning can improve student’s writing achievement.



30-06-2024 — Updated on 30-06-2024


How to Cite

Wa Ode Fazriana Inrawati, Mursalim, & La Ode Nggawu. (2024). The Correlation Between Self-Regulated Learning and Students Writing Achievement at English Departement. Journal of Teaching of English, 9(2), 243–248. Retrieved from