The Kulisusu Language Maintenance in Roko-Roko Village Wawonii


  • Alimansyah M Halu OLeo University
  • Hanna Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Aderlaepe Universitas Halu Oleo


kulisusu language use, language maintenance, formal and informal domain


This study aims to: (1) Describe the Kulisusu Language maintenance by seeing Kulisusu Language use in the family domain, neighborhood domain, school domain and work domain. (2) Describe and analyze Kulisusu language problem. This study was descriptive qualitative, the data was collected from observation and interviews. The findings of this study show that (1) Kulisusu people still use Kulisusu language in their daily life. This seen from four domain that observe the level of Kulisusu language maintenance occurs in four domains. (2) The problem of Kulisusu language use: The first problem was parents use Bahasa Indonesia when talk to their child at home. The second is Kulisusu kids use Bahasa Indonesia in both nonformal and informal and the last is code mixing in using Kulisusu language. The research implication of this study was to tell people that by maintaining the Kulisusu language as Kulisusu society identification and culture legacy, can be avoided the language shift ot langugage dead occurs. 



30-06-2024 — Updated on 30-06-2024


How to Cite

M, A., Hanna, & Aderlaepe. (2024). The Kulisusu Language Maintenance in Roko-Roko Village Wawonii. Journal of Teaching of English, 9(2), 142–149. Retrieved from