The Maintenance of Muna Language by Muna People in the Transmigration Area at Wakobalu Agung Village


  • Hartina Handayani Halu Oleo University
  • Tambunan Halu Oleo University
  • La Ode Nggawu Halu Oleo University



language maintenance, Munanese, Muna language, transmigration


This study aimed to describe the maintenance of Muna language by Munanese in Wakobalu Agung village, Kabangka Sub District and also to find out the efforts to maintain Muna language by Munanese people in Wakobalu Agung village in the categories of adults, adolescents and children. The problem in this research is how to maintain Muna language in Wakobalu Agung village and whether there is an efforts to maintain Muna language by Muna people in Wakobalu Agung, Kabangka sub district. This study was descriptive qualitative method. The participants were fourteen Munanese people who live in Wakobalu Agung village taken based on social strata and ages group. Techniques of collecting the data in this research used observation, interview and documentation. Data were analyzed with the process of data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing and verification. Result of this research showed that Munanese people in Wakobalu Agung village still maintain Muna language and efforts language maintenance carried out by Munenese in the Wakobalu Agung village is unstructured and informal efforts. The language maintenance occurs for the categories of adults and adolescents. Meanwhile, for the category of children, the used of Muna language began to weaken. It can be concluded that the efforts to maintain their language is: (1) Consistently using Muna language in family environment, (2) Keep loyalty to the mother tongue, (3) Use the language in various situations.




How to Cite

Handayani, H., Tambunan, & Nggawu, L. O. (2024). The Maintenance of Muna Language by Muna People in the Transmigration Area at Wakobalu Agung Village. Journal of Teaching of English, 9(1), 19–30.