An Analysis of Students’ Perceptions on the Difficulties of Oral Presentation based on the Nowreyah Al-Nouh Framework


  • Erin Anastasia Ombi Halu Oleo University
  • Nurindah Halu Oleo University
  • Alberth Halu Oleo University



perception, student peception, difficulties, oral presentation


This study aimed to examine the students' perception of the difficulties of oral presentation at the proposal seminar at the English Language Education Department of Halu Oleo University. The mixed method design, as described by Creswell, was employed. The sample was the students who were assigned to take a proposal seminar consisting of 24 students. The technique of sampling was purposive sampling. In collecting the data, this study used a close-ended questionnaire and an open-ended questionnaire. Students' perceptions of the difficulties of the oral presentation related to personal traits, and the students' problems were anxiety, feeling pale on presentation day, and dependence on notes. In relation to presentation skills, students' difficulties were: could not stand presenting without reading the thesis, imitating friends, extra focus on grammar, could not spontaneously speak in English, having problems with fluency and pronunciation, and preferring written exams to oral presentation. In relation to the audience factor, students' difficulty was afraid of the audience's reaction. In relation to the examiner factor, students' difficulties were the instructors' interruption, criticism, avoiding eye contact with the instructor, and afraid of getting unfair grades. The result of personality traits showed that students responded 36% positive, 25% neutral and 39% negative. In relation to presentation skills, students responded 33% positive, 26% neutral and 41% negative. In the audiences’ factor, students responded 32% positive, 28% neutral and 40% negative. Then, examiner factors, students responded 42% positive, 27% neutral and 31% negative. The dominant factor affecting the students' difficulty in oral presentation was the examiner factors, with percentages of 42% positive, 27% neutral and 31% negative. Finally, it also found that nervousness, lack of confidence, spontaneous interruptions, a noisy class, poor material understanding and some additional factors of students' difficulties in the oral presentation.




How to Cite

Ombi, E. A., Nurindah, & Alberth. (2024). An Analysis of Students’ Perceptions on the Difficulties of Oral Presentation based on the Nowreyah Al-Nouh Framework. Journal of Teaching of English, 9(1), 9–18.