The Implementation of Flipped Classroom using Telegram Bot Messaging Application in the Reading Class


  • Wahyudin Madil Halu Oleo University


flipped classroom, student perception, reading class, Technology Acceptance Model, educational innovation


This study explores students' perceptions of the Flipped Classroom approach in the context of reading classes within the English Department at Halu Oleo University. The research aims to assess students' attitudes towards Flipped Classroom, identify its perceived advantages and disadvantages, and analyze its impact on teaching and learning. Drawing on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and existing literature on Flipped Classroom, the study employs a descriptive qualitative design, utilizing both close-ended and open-ended questionnaires. Findings indicate that while students generally exhibit positive attitudes towards Flipped Classroom, there are concerns regarding ease of use, particularly due to issues with internet connectivity. However, students recognize the usefulness of the approach, citing benefits such as increased preparation time, flexibility, motivation, and improved comprehension. The study underscores the importance of considering students' perspectives when implementing educational innovations like Flipped Classroom, especially in settings with varying technological infrastructure.




How to Cite

Madil, W. (2023). The Implementation of Flipped Classroom using Telegram Bot Messaging Application in the Reading Class. Journal of Teaching of English, 8(4), 415–424. Retrieved from