The Effect of Using Facebook on Students’ Writing Skill


  • Etriani Etriani Halu Oleo University
  • Muhammad Muhsin
  • Siam Siam


facebook, writing skill


This research aimed to reveal the effect of using Faebook  on teaching writing at SMAN 1 Napabalano. The design of this research was quasi experimental design. The samples in this research were two classes they are 19 students from XMIA3 as experimental class and 19 students from XMIA4 as control class. The samples were taken through purposive sampling technique. For data collection, it decided use experimental class and control class to examine the effect of using Facebook on students’ writing skill. Pre-test was applied to know students’ prior knowledge both two classes before receive treatment. The experimental class taught how to write descriptive text effectively by using Facebook group where control class was taught traditionally. At the end, post-test writing was applied to show the effect after treatment. The result shows a significant difference on student writing skill before and after treatment using Facebook group. This research used parametric statistic independent sample t-test SPSS 16 to compare gain scores in experimental class and control class. Data analysis showed Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000 which smaller than 0.05, it can conclude that H0 is rejected and h1 is accepted which means that there is significant enhancement of students’ writing skill at ten grade at SMAN 1 Napabalano after being taught by Facebook media.




How to Cite

Etriani, E., Muhsin, M., & Siam, S. (2022). The Effect of Using Facebook on Students’ Writing Skill. Journal of Teaching of English, 7(3), 1–10. Retrieved from