The Effect of Internet-Based Reading Using Blog on Students’ Reading Comprehension


  • Wa Ode Annisa Hakiki Halu Oleo University
  • Aderlaepe Aderlaepe Halu Oleo University
  • Wawan Cahyadin Halu Oleo University


internet-based reading, printed-based reading, reading comprehension


This study aims to determine whether internet-based reading using blog effectively affects students' reading comprehension at SMP Negeri 4 Raha. From the seven intact classes, two were chosen purposively as control and experimental class. The experimental class was taught using internet-based reading, while the control class was taught conventionally using printed-based reading. The presentation of the material for the two classes is different, the experiment class is presented online in a blog created by the researcher called Reading Box 127 while the control class is in printed form. The data of the research were conducted by pre-test and post-test. Prior to teaching, a pre-test was conducted, and both classes obtained scores of 47.20 and 52.57, respectively.  After treatment, students were given a post-test and the results of the average score of the experimental class increased by 25.28. The control class also experienced an increase even though the increase was not as big as the experimental class which was 19.20. Furthermore, the findings of independent sample t-test showed the value of sig. (2-tailed) = 0.007, being smaller than 0.05, while the result of t-count 2.736 was greater than t-table 1.982. In other words, the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. Thus, there is an effect of internet-based reading using blog on students' reading comprehension.




How to Cite

Hakiki, W. O. A., Aderlaepe, A., & Cahyadin, W. (2022). The Effect of Internet-Based Reading Using Blog on Students’ Reading Comprehension. Journal of Teaching of English, 7(3), 19–30. Retrieved from