The Acceptance of Google Meet as a Platform For Online TOEFL Course


  • Waode Anis Fitriah Salsabilah Halu Oleo University
  • Asrun Lio Halu Oleo University
  • Alberth Halu Oleo University


Google Meet, Online TOEFL Course Platform, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)


This study aimed to find out the students' acceptance of Google Meet in the online TOEFL course and the constraints students faced during the TOEFL course through Google Meet. This study used a qualitative and quantitative design with a descriptive type to analyze all data reported by students. This study used in-depth interviews, questionnaires, and triangulation to collect data in this study. In this case, there was interview guideline so that the interview process did not go off track. Then, there was an adapted TAM questionnaire from Venkatesh and Bala (2008) consisting of 48 items. And through triangulation, there was a rechecked the information from the two previous data collection techniques to match the needs of this study. In collecting the data, 15 respondents were selected purposively. This study showed the data that students accept using Google Meet in the TOEFL course. Their acceptance was in the good category of 3,60, meaning that Google Meet as a TOEFL course platform was good. Furthermore, related to the constraints, the two most commonly reported constraints were the problem of a poor internet network, and the use of Google Meet was ineffective for delivering listening material. Based on it all, this study concluded that Google Meet was acceptable as a TOEFL course platform even though it was undeniable that the reality was that Google Meet could not always meet the needs of online learning, especially in the TOEFL course. So, this could be a future consideration for the course organizers.




How to Cite

Salsabilah, W. A. F., Lio, A., & Alberth. (2023). The Acceptance of Google Meet as a Platform For Online TOEFL Course. Journal of Teaching of English, 8(4), 352–361. Retrieved from